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some people think that long-life friendship exists only in books and films. нужно 2-3 аргумента ЗА, и 1-2 ПРОТИВ. можно и по-русски

10-11 класс

Kirillkirchak 12 июня 2014 г., 13:35:51 (9 лет назад)
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12 июня 2014 г., 14:12:09 (9 лет назад)

1. Aргумент за:


Some movies tend to present life from ideal angles, which are far from common in real life.

Life long friendships are rare and depend on numerous factors. For example:

What specifically is connecting the people in a life long friendship? According to many psychologists, common interests and common business (общее дело) are important.

Also, if the people went through some difficult times, or in opposite, achived great success. Rataining childhood friendship is rare in real life, because once people have families, their focus and priorities shift.


2. Аргумент против:

According to the same psychologists, people tend to project themselvs onto others. Thus, if they don't believe in a life long friendship, it is only because they themselves are not capable of maintaining one due to personal issues.





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помогите составить предложения (все слова должны быть использованы) 1. does , autumn , when , in , region, your , begin

2. not, friends , my ,do, village, live,this ,in

3.sister , his , the farm ,in , work ,summer ,on

5. grow , farmers,in ,crops ,the fields ,many.

6. do , your , mother ,where , live ,and ,father
7. friend , does ,my , winter ,like ,not.

8. every ,work, does , day , he ,this

Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Perfect Simple. Last Monday Angie (1) ……… (get up)

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Помогите) Есть ли ошибки в написании?) A lot of teenagers join different groups and movements nowadays. Some people say that these groups are created

as a way of expression. However, other people say they have created to for them to notice. Others think that it is a protest against the parents.
In my opinion, the main reason of joining the group is the ability to show your solidarity with like-minded friends.
Different subcultures have their own beliefs, values, fashion and favourite music. For example, hippies of the 1970s wore unusual clothes and had long hair. Furthermore, defending his point of view, the hippies do not resort to violence. By their nature they are peaceful and try to live in harmony with nature.

unfortunately, not all groups are peaceful. Sadly, some of them are prepared to physically hurt people in an attempt to get their message across. For example, punks are opposed to the values and norms in the society. They express this in loud and violent music, strange clothing and hair of unusual colours.

Ребята,проверьте моё эссе на наличие ошибок.пожалуйста. Тема : Many people think that the best way to travel is by car. ----- In

our worls there are a lot of means of transport.One of them is by car.

In this essay I will name some of the advantages and disadvantages of travel by car.

The most common argument for is speed,which depend on type of car.I think that is very big advanture.When you travel by car you can look through the window.It's very pleasant prosecc if you like it.
In favour of disadvantages I can say that some ptople may have a sick.Travel by car is not really my kind of thing,because I have a sick,but it depend on beauty in the car.It sounds stupid but it is true.I can't put up with(терпеть) father's car,when we travel somewhere.I feel headache and sickness.But for my relatives all is good in father's car.
Evidently(очевидно) that this mean of transport not for all people,but if you like travel by car you have a good impressions from your trip.

поиогите перевести

A lot of teenagers join different groups and movements nowadays. Why? Perhaps it is the lack of any other way to express what attracts young people to different subcultures. May be they protest against their parents or rebel against the oldergeneration. In my opinion, the main reason of joining the group is the ability to show your solidarity with like-minded friends. There are a lot of different subcultures, so young people can find a group or a movement that will suit their interests.
A subculture is any group with a distinct style and identity. Different subcultures have their own beliefs, values, fashion and favourite music. For example, hippies of the 1970s wore unusual clothes and had long hair. Hippies believed in peace, and one of their favourite sayings was "Make love, not war". Today hippies are more socially active. They set up environmental groups and join charity projects.
Yet, not all groups are peaceful. Some of them are rather rebellious. Sadly, some of them are prepared to physically hurt people in an attempt to get their message across. For example, punks are opposed to the values, norms and materialism in the society. They express this in loud and violent music, strange clothing and hair of unusual colours.
The ideal subculture for me is Goths. They see the world as a dark place and like it that way. I completely agree with them because our life is very difficult. Goths make a statement with their fashion as well as with their philosophy. With startling white make-up, black or purple hair, black lipstick and fingernails, these people certainly stand out in the crowd. I also like black colours, so I think it is an ideal subculture for me.
I would like to join some group of Goths because I approve their lifestyle. Of course, when I join the group, I will have to obey certain rules, but on the other hand, belonging to a group will help me to express my individuality.
Some people think that all subcultures are awful. We must admit that many of teenage subcultures are associated with drugs and violence. But subcultures are not as bad as they are thought to be. Teens want to show off. But at the same time a lot of teens think about changing the world to the best. A subculture is a way of life; it is a real life for us.

Помогите написать ЭССЕ. some people think that the internet can be very dangerous for children and teenagers because they can get addicted to it.

This sort ofaddiction can affect their life in a very negative way, that is why the internet should be used for educational purposes only.

200-250 words

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