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Thank you for inviting me to stay with you when I visit your country next month. I'm not sure how to get to your apartment from the airport. Could you

10-11 класс

write back giving me some basic instruction?

Irinasolove 07 дек. 2014 г., 15:56:25 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 дек. 2014 г., 18:10:53 (9 лет назад)

Спасибо за приглашение погостить у вас в следующем месяце, когда я посещу вашу страну. Я не знаю каким образом добраться до вашего жилья из айэропорта. Не могли бы вы написать   мне начальные инструкции ( о том как добраться до вашей квартиры).



Другие вопросы из категории

Make up questions. 1. does, go, when, to , she, school? 2. your, what, favourite , is , holiday/ 3. toys, you , have ,how ,many


4. he ,brother ,has ,a, got?

5 she, in ,swim ,the ,can ,river?

6. you ,apple ,would ,an ,like?

Подставьте "have" или "has":?

1.They...a new car.
2.The train...limited speed.
3.The cars...wide doors.
4.The workmen...two-days rest.
5.This line...many stations.
6.The depot...many shops.
7.The shops...different equipment.
8.An operator...all information.

You wrote me once that you had been learning english for about five years. I've started to learn it recently as a second foreign language. So I think you

are more competent in English that I am. Yesterday I came across the following sentence. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Could you explain me the meaning of it? Have you got any problems in English? How often do you study?Write soon,Michel
написать ему письмо, ответить на вопросы. задать 3 вопроса . 100-120 слов)

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Thanks you for inviting me to stay with you when I visit your country next month. I'm not sure how to get to your apartment from the airport. Could you write back giving me some basic instruction?What would be the best way of transport for me?I'd prefer one that isn't too expensive!
Just one other thing -what will the weather be like when I get there?(just
so I'll know what clothes to pack!)

Напишите пожалуйсто ответ на это письмо : Dear Ivan Thank you for your letter. We are very happy that you are coming to stay

with us in August, and we are sure you'll have a good time. What time are you arriving at Gatwick airport? You can get a train to Brighton from there. Do you have mobile phone? Then you can phone us when you are on the train, and we'll meet you at the station. Could you also tell me a few more things about yourself? Is there anything you can't eat or drink?Do you smoke? Do you want a single room,or Do you prefer to share a room with another student?Are you going to go back to Russia immediately after the end of the course? If not, how many more days are you going to stay with us?

Jane Sanders

Какие ошибки в данном тексте? Good day! Thank you for taking the time to visit our presentation. We are very happy to see you. My name is Ekateri

na Tarasova, I am the Director of producing hand-made dolls "puppeteer." Our presentation is devoted to the new series of hand-made dolls "Emelya". I would like to tell you a bit about our factory, its activities, achievements and prospects. Our factory was founded in 2008 in the city of Syktyvkar. "Puppeteer" is one of the few companies that produce similar goods in the country. We produce clean and safe product. The first two years we had one store, after we made a web site and sell dolls online, but the demand was so great that within 3 years we opened 7 stores across the country. When you create a new collection, we discussed with the authors of the general aspects of the dolls, the main artist draws images of dolls, then craftsmen in all regions already embody sketches to life. Each doll author is working to the most subtle nuances. The result is a doll with your mood, distinct personalities. I would like to tell you about our new line of hand-made dolls "Emelya". The creation of this collection was inspired by Russian - Fairy Tales. We have tried to bring together all the prominent characters of fairy tales in our collection, such as: Alenka and her brother Ivan, Emelya, Baba Yaga, Koschei the Immortal, and other characters. Artists "puppeteers" could even negative characters portray not sinister, but rather cute. Collectible doll, justifying its name in the first place is, of course, subject to collecting. This elegant interior detail, which will certainly enliven and decorate absolutely any room, will bring a special atmosphere and comfort. Let me tell you about our prospects. Our business has been very profitable. Our desire to create unique dolls coincided with the desire of consumers to purchase our creation, even in larger quantities than we expected. Since the product is in high demand, state workers have to constantly increase. In the coming year we plan to open three stores. Now, I want to appeal to the young, creative and ambitious artists. We would be glad to have you as our dolls authors of "puppeteer." Here you can fulfill your potential, and experienced colleagues always help you. Thank you very much for your attention, I'd be happy to answer your questions!

Ответить на вопросы по тексту: Dear Louise, Thank you for the book you sent me. I was very pleased because it arrived on my birthday. I also got a new

watch from my parents and a printer for my computer. Now I will be able to print my letters to you, which is good because I write so badly. I had a party in a night club and all of my friends from the University came. We also went to a restaurant where we ate and drank for hours and took lots of photographs. It was wonderful. My friends father came and drove us home at 3 oclock in the morning and we all slept at Sams house. What are you going to do next week - end? I will probably be in London. May be we could meet. I am going to go shopping and I am going to the cinema to see the new Tom Cruise film . I think he acts really well, hes my favourite. Please write to me soon/ Your friend, Helen. !) What did Louise send to Helen? 2) When did the book arrive? 3) What did she get from her parents for her birthday? 4) Where did she have a party? 5) Did many friends from the University come to Helens party? 6) Did they go to the restaurant? 7) Did they eat, drink and take lots of photographs there? 8) Who came and drove them home? 9) Where will she be next week - end? 10) What is she going to do in London?

Поисправляйте ошибки. Hi Alexander Bell. I would like to thank you for your invention, which today is used by many people and I also. On your phone that

you invented founded today's communication. I use your invention every day, when I called mom, dad, brother and classmates. I can't imagine my life without the phone today. Although in the past, people lived without it, but today I can't imagine my life without a telephone and most people will agree with me. Thank you Alexander bell.

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