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помогите решить кроссворд!!!

10-11 класс

Graf17 31 янв. 2015 г., 16:02:38 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
31 янв. 2015 г., 18:04:56 (9 лет назад)

1 attraction
2 unavailable
3 sightseeing
4 terminal
5 registration
6 airport
7 lost
8 in
9 accommodation


Другие вопросы из категории

3. Заполните пропуски словами much, many, few (a few), little (a little) 1.I have... time, so I can't go with you. 2. Was there... snow in Kiev last

winter? Yes, there was. 3. Do...people watch TV in the evening ? 4. I'm sorry we have... ham for breakfast, but we have a lot of cheese 5... .children watch TV after 10 o'clock in the evening. 6. Larin doesn't know English well, but he studies...now. 7. Let me think...before I answer your question. 8. The new jet-liner has made only...flights abroad. 9. I had very ... time last night and watched TV for only ... minutes.

Перевести на английский


Кто сможет сделать?

Put the verb into the correct form (Present Simple or Present Continuous).
1. John is busy at the moment, he _________________ (write) his homework.
2. What time _________________ (you/have/usually) dinner?
3. I never _________________ (read) newspapers.
4. ‘Where are Michael and Jane?’’They _________________ (play) in the living room.’
5. ‘Would you like some coffee?’’No, thank you. I _________________ (not /drink) coffee.’

Читайте также

Помогите решить кроссворд на англ.языке. Across

1. Stop a hole in a tooth with cement, etc. 3. Seize something with the teeth (also cause a sharp pain). 11. Fill a hole in a tooth with cement, etc. 13. Fibers (волокна) connecting the brain with all other parts of the body and carrying feelings to the brain. 14. Let out the air suddenly through the nose and the mouth (usu. when having a cold). 18. An instrument for measuring temperature. 19. A kind of medicine having good effects on the body. 23. The middle joint of the leg where the leg bends. 25. A hollow in the lungs (каверна). 27. A person who practises medicine and treats people. 28. The drink made by pouring boiling water on dried leaves bearing the same name, often used as a tonic. 29. A coloured liquid used for writing with a pen. 30. Take one's clothes off. 31. Come into two or more parts; crack a bone, joint.


2. Breathing organs found in man and animal. 3. Take air into the body and send it out. 4. Exist. 5. The degree of heat or cold in the air, water, body, etc. 6. Be still, relax after work, efforts, etc. 7. Small spots (red or pink) close together on the skin (usu. a symptom of a disease). 8. Difficulty in digesting food. 9. Be aware through the senses.10. A catching disease marked by fever and small spots that cover the whole body (common among children). 12. Give medical care to people in order to cure them.15. A high temperature. 16. The red liquid in the body. 17. The regular beating of the arteries as the blood is forced along them. 20. An open sore (язва, нарыв) on internal organs.21. A special choice of food ordered by a doctor. 22. Ill, unwell.24. A person specially trained to look after sick people.26. A short sleep. 27. Not clearly seen.

помогите пожалуйста решить номер.

Сomplete each sentence with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets.
My pet.........................(u.n.r) now.
Jane,s brother .......................(i,s.m.w)now.
I.................................(i.t.s.) on the sofa.
The children...........................(e.t.g) up.
Bill,s sisters.......................(e.o.m.c)
My friends........................(a.e.s.k.t) now.
I..................(e.i.r.w.t) now
Mary and Susan...............(a.a.e.t.r.s.n.t.l.) a text now.
The teacher ...........................(a.k.s) the questions now.
I ............................. (d.o) my homework now.
Помогите решить...........

Помогите решить задание.

Вопрос;Прочитай письмо Джека.Помоги ему сделать письмо короче.Переделай подчеркнутые предложения по образцу.
l am a dog.- l'm a dog.
Dear Tiny,
My name is Jack.l am a dog.l am kind.l am not big.l do not live in London.l live in the country.l have not got many friends.But l have got two friends.They are a donkey and a cat.The donkey does not like winter.He cannot play snowballs.But he likes summer and green grass.The cat likes all seasons.
Would you like to visit us in summer?lt will be sunny. lt will not be rainy.l will be happy to see you.
Your pen friend,
5 -------------------------------------------

Помогите нормально перевести, без гугл переводчика.

Профессия Психолога очень сложна. Во-первых надо много чего знать и учить. Каждый день надо выслушивать проблемы людей и помогать решить их, для меня это очень скучно. Надо много работать. Если вы не известны ещё, то к вам мало будет посетителей. И из-за этого вы будете получать маленькую зарплату. Во-вторых говорят что психологи живут значительно меньше, до 50 лет, так как переживают все проблемы пациента на себе.

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