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Read and guess what it is

1-4 класс

A thing that helps us to read when it is dark in the room.
Things which are usually on the windows.
A thing that we can see our faces in.
спасибо ооочень нааадо

Harakiri 10 нояб. 2014 г., 8:35:29 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 нояб. 2014 г., 11:28:23 (9 лет назад)

the lamp
the curtains
the mirror


Другие вопросы из категории

переделать прямую речь в косвенную

He said to her "Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?"

запиши вопросы:

1) There is a small field next to the house.
Is there .............
2)People will work in the garden in May.
When will .............................

Допиши предложения вставляя в них недостающие слова. what, where. My, its, his, her, your

1)_____ is ______ name?
-He is Rob.
2)_____ is he from?______ is _______ father from ?
- they are from Boston.
3)______ time is it?
- it's two o'clock in the afternoon.
4)_______ is ______ dad?
-_________ dad is in the park.
5)- i can see Ann. And ______ is _______ dog?
- it is by ________ doghouse.

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Read and guess the missing words

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Put the sentences in the correct order to make the conversation and role-play it -Have you got a pet ? -What does your father teach Rover

to do ?

-His name is Rover

-What is it?

-We all do. Mum feeds him. Itake him for a walk and Dad teaches him .

-whats his name ?

-Dad taches him to run after a ball and bring it back to him.

-Who looks after Rover ?

-What a clever pet you"ve got ! What colour is your dog ?

-Yes, I have.

-He"s black. He has got a long neck and a short tail.

-Oh, how I"d love to have a pet, too! -It"s a dog.

Помогите пожалуйста очень надо !!!!

Hello! I.m a crown, I,m clever and funny, My name is Polly. And what,s your name, girly? I,m three hundred years old. It is true! And how old, how old,how

old are you? Hello! I,m a crown, I,m clever and funny, London is my home.And where are you from? I,m there hundred years old. It is true! And how old, how old, how old are you?

Как это прочитать на английском???? Заранее спасибо!!!!

Как переводится. I like winter very much. In winter the days are short. But they are often sunny. It is sometimes snowy in winter. Trees are white and

roads are white, too. That's fantastic! When the weather is snowy, I go skiing. I like skiing very much. I like sunny, frosty weather. We play snowballs and make a snowman. In winter i usually put on my warm coat and my hat. But when it is very cold, I don't go out to play.

It is frosty and snowy in....

It is warm and windy in,,,
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