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Упражнение 40 по картинкам ответе на вопрос, ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО

1-4 класс

TKOP 04 сент. 2014 г., 10:26:58 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 сент. 2014 г., 12:59:46 (9 лет назад)

переверни картинки пожалуйста ни понятно!

+ 0 -
04 сент. 2014 г., 15:24:25 (9 лет назад)

Комментарий удален


Другие вопросы из категории

tekst:Yesterday Emma helped her mother.First she washed the dishes,next she cleaned her shoes and then she played with her brother,Joe.She walked to

the supermarket and the carried home two heavy bags.there was a poster on a wall.Emma's mother was very happy.She had a surprise foe Emma.Emma looked at the tickets.then she phoned Jill. zadanie:read and say.Nujno sdelat tak 4to by na nepravil'noe predlojenie u vas polu4ilos',naprimer;emma helped her father. No,Emma helped her mother. First she washed the clothes.2.then she played with her friend.3.She carried four heavy bags.4.Next she cleaned her room.4.She walked to the library.5.Jill phoned Emma.6.Emma's mother had three tickets.

что умеет делать лягушка?
Поставьте глагол to be в пропуски в нужной форме. 1. The director_ busy now call later, please. 2. What_ your plans for this summer? 3. The tourist market_

competitive. 4. A CV_ not a list of facts. 5. What_ her main job task? 6. One of the most important aspects of her job_ keeping informed of the complex pricing policies of airlines

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What is the best place to live in Russia?

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Помогите пожалуйста!

Будьте добры, помогите с ответами на вопросы по-английски. Учила немецкий, не могу помочь ребенку, в школе гнобит преподаватель.

What does the Frog like veri much
Do the ducks like winter Why
Why do the ducks take the Frog with them
What do the birds say to the Frog
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What season is it the text Do yon like this season Why Why not
запала кнопка вопроса .очень Вам признательна

1.Картинка кухни, на ней стоит мама и готовит на плите ( типа борщ). Справа от нее сидит дочь и помогает ей ( украшает торт). Слева от мамы сидит

маленький сын и пьет молоко. Под столом лежит кот и ест рыбу.

Нужно ответить на вопросы:

Is it a living room, a bathroom or a kitchen?
What is Mum doing?
Who is helping Mum?
Is the boy eating or drinking?
What is the cat doing?

Выбрать и написать ответы на вопросы

Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn't.Yes,they are.No,they aren't
.1)Is Sam drinking juice? да
2)Are the children playing? нет
3)Is Ann washing the cup? нет
4)Are they eating apples? да
как написать ответы на английском

Выбрать и написать ответы на вопросы

Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn't.Yes,they are.No,they aren't
.1)Is Sam drinking juice? Да
2)Are the children playing?Нет
3)Is Ann washing the cup? Нет
4)Are they eating apples?Да
Как написать ответы на английском?

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