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Correct the mistakes 1 They have been in Paris last Saturday 2 How long have you been knowing Jane? 3 We didn't do homework yet 4 He was waited to see the

10-11 класс

doctor since nine oclock 5 Mary isn't at home.She's been to work 6 I've run in the park for 2 hours,so I'm tired 7 Nobody choose for this posotion so far 8 They didn't speak for each other since two years

Grigorev41 01 июля 2013 г., 1:27:51 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 июля 2013 г., 4:17:49 (10 лет назад)

1. They were in Paris last Saturday.

2. How long have you known Jane?

3. We haven't done homework yet.

4. He has been waiting to see the doctor since nine o'clock.

5. Mary isn't home. She's gone to work.

6. I've run in the park for 2 hours, I'm so tired.

7. Nobody has chosen for this posotion so far.

8. They have't been speaking for each other since two years. 

+ 0 -
01 июля 2013 г., 6:18:24 (10 лет назад)

1. They were in Paris last Saturday.

2. How long have you known Jane?

3. We haven't done homework yet.

4. He has been waiting to see the doctor since nine o'clock.

5. Mary isn't home. She has gone to work.

6. I have run in the park for 2 hours, so I tired.

7. Nobody has chosen for this posotion so far.

8. They have't been speaking for each other since two years.


Другие вопросы из категории

Many/much few/little

1) how .. Times did you try to do it?
2) I am busy now. I have...time
3) I don't like to sing. I know ..English songs

помогите,пожалуйста! open the brackets using the comparative forms of the adjectives: 1.A carpet is (expensive) than a


2.He is (lazy) person i know

3.Is it (bad) to be late or not do go at all

Задание: Образуйте страдательный залог.

The weight of the
planets ... (to calculate) by Newton as a young man.
The concept of
relativity ... (to propose) by Albert Einstein in 1905.
Most Cambridge
colleges ... (to found) as schools of theology but in 1750 under the
influence of Sir Isaak Newton, mathematics became compulsory and the main
subject of study.
The first motor car
... (to make) in 1875 by an Austrian Siegfried Marcus. He used the
internal combustion engine, which ... (to perfect) gradually.
The earliest motor
cars ... (to build) like horse carriages and an early British company ...
(to call) the Greatest Horseless Carriage Company.
The Rolls-Royce
motor car long ... (to know) as the best car in the world.
Water ... (to
discover) under the Sakhara Desert.
Diamonds ... (to
find) in South Africa in the 19th century.
The electric battery
... (to invent) by Luigi Galvan in 1786.
The craters on the
moon ... (to cause) probably by meteors.
Gold, silver and
copper ... (to value) for their luster.

Помогиите нужно сочинение на английском

на тему причины конфликтов между детьми и родителями

Читайте также

correct the mistake in each of these sentences. 1. If I did ever had the chance, I'd take a year off and go travelling. 2.If I could live

anywhere in the world, I'd probably bought a beach villa in Tahiti. 3. If I didn't need to learn English, I would stop a long time ago. 4. If I didn't have to go to work tomorrow, I would have stayed at home. 5. If I had been good at Maths, I would have study it at university. 6. If I was doing more exercise when I was younger, I would be a lot fitter now. 7. IfI'd been born with very rich parents, I wouldn't doing this job.

Ребят помогите с английским нужно вставить for или since 1)I have been studying in this school_____ the 1st grade. 2)I have lived in the

city ____10 years

3)_____I passed to the 10th grade i have been trying to study

4)Jim has been my best friend_____ 5 years,______ the art club

Many people complain that dog owners do not look after their pets for a walk and do not pay attention to the fact that they are shitting in the

wrong places. People are offering penalize "offenders" or even arrest them.
I think that the arrest is not necessary, but to fine for the troubles caused by the animals need. Although I think that everything is so used to it that nothing will be done.
People should be care of their pets , because other people don't like when they pass near with foul dog or cat. Also, if they are foul on the lawn, private property or public place their owners should be pay.
On the other hand, the owners of the pets may not have time to work, or for some important cases, so they have to walk with their animals closer to home or to the nearest public place. Their, too, can be understood.
I think if I was the owner of the animal that want to walk, I would not paid attention to where I walk with him. In the end we are not that, life is like that.
To sum up, I want to say - if you have got the animal that want to walks, walk it in the right places, or do not take it.

Correct the following statements, beginning each sentence with one of the following phrases:

You're wrong. You're mistaken. I can't agree with you. Nothing of the kind. But... (it is, they don't, etc.). I don't think you're right. Of course not. Just the other way round. On the contrary. Surely not! By no means! Example: — You never take your temperature when you are ill. — Oh, yes (of course), I do. I always take my temperature when I'm ill.
1. Sick people never stay in bed while they are ill. 2. You were laid up with-flu last week, I believe. 3. It is not dangerous to take care of a person who has got a catching disease. 4. People often feel sick and giddy when they are quite well. 5. We seldom sneeze and cough when we have a cold. 6. You never have a sore throat when you have tonsillitis. 7. She doesn't feel any pain in her heart when she has a heart attack. 8. Children have swollen eyes when they have been laughing too much. 9. People need the services of the doctor when they are well, I think. 10. Probably you consult a dentist when you have a stomach-ache.

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